Johnny Cash At Folsom Prison Album Redesign:

For this project, I had to reimagine an existing musical artist’s album cover and focus on developing my own conceptual take on the subject to create my illustration. I also had to develop a mockup of the album cover, combining any native elements (logo, title, artist, etc.) with my illustration. The album I chose to redesign was Johnny Cash’s At Folsom Prison album.

It all started with some sketches…

To begin this project, I created a document that included some rough sketches and photos that would help influence my future album cover.

Then making lots and lots of tweaks…

Before I was satisfied with my final album cover, I made many different prototypes after receiving feedback from my peers. Some aspects I changed along the way was spacing out the height chart in the background, adding a grunge texture, as well as, making the bandage on Johnny Cash’s face be in color instead of black and white.


TYP3D Magazine


Elvis Presley Rolling Stone Cover