Spin & Groove Magazine:
For this project, I was tasked with making the first issue of an independent magazine with at least 4 spreads and an insert. The publication had to be focused on a unified theme, community, or collection of ideas to which I chose vinyls since I am an avid collector. I had to act as the creative director, editor, designer, writer, and publisher of this magazine.

It all started with a mood board…
To begin this project, I created a document that included potential color palettes, title, and photos that would help set the tone of my future magazine
Then, forming the branding and identity…
In order to create the branding and identity of the magazine, I had to finalize which fonts I wanted to use, as well as color palette and creating a secondary logo to be placed on the insert.
Finally, deciding the content include…
After finding the voice of the magazine, I created a content outline. This allowed me to organize what information I would include on each page.